Forgive the err.... Simplicity of the webpage. The contest is for Legos, not webpages. :-D


May I present! The modified Griffon Industries C-200 Light Cargo Shuttle! This modified C-200 LCS was bought by, well, me! I named it the Iron Eagle! I modified it for my own personnel use and to go on day trips with my girlfriend, Lisa. The Iron Eagle is outfitted with four Helios-Ra Engines, with a maximum speed of 9,000,000 kilometers per second. The pictures were taken by our friend DJ 'Captain' Carter, remind me never to buy someone a hoverscout again. The name Iron Eagle may sound forboding, but I decided to remove the two forward defensive blasters and put a pair of armor spikes instead.

Me and Lisa, outside the Iron Eagle. You can see the entry/exit ladder and the vertical thrust.

You can see in the picture above all the extra's I added to her, the yellow nozzles of the RCS thrusters, the communication attennae, even the navigational sensor above the cockpit window! It seems my friend DJ took the pic when I was waiting to lift off, you can see the tinted air where the vertical thrusters are.

This picture is of the four main engines. two are inboard, and two are outboard. located just above the engines is the main subspace attannae, which I don't use much. On ethier side of the subspace attannae are the module holsters, you can out a module of 'mission-specific' use on them. I use em for luggage straps. The two black coolent lines can be seen too. If you look at the outboard equipment pods, you can see the closed shutters of the aft RCS thrusters. For some odd reason when I was modifing it, I put smoke dispensers on it too, seen just to the right of the RCS thruster shutters.

Pre-flight systems checks, how boring. I guess DJ thought it was time for a picture.

Ah, yes, the outboard equipment pods. I got everything from comm attennae to coolent systems in these. visible quite clearly is the ourboard engine, with the fuel injection pump just above it. I dunno why Griffon Industries put those railings on the side...

Here is Lisa playing Lego Creator (she loves it) on the P4 1.7Ghz computer we bought for the ship. To her left is the cot/couch thingy, whatever you want to use it for ;-). To her right is the stowed ladder for entry and exit.

Here is another view of the inside, this time towards me in cockpit area. You can see the grapple hook for mooring on the left, and the replicator and fire extinguiser on the right. Up ahead is my big red command chair.

Hmmm, someone left the door open. This is the entry/exit ladder. It is pulled up and the door on left is closed to airlock it.

The glories of a ship of your own. You can see the RCS shutters in front.

Here is the under carraige, you can see the ladder's airlock door and the landing spotlight. Just above the airlock door, you can see the mooring port for power. You think we run off our own power at starports? Heck no! The grey done just in front of the Lansing Spotlight is the Ship ID Transmitter, it transmits the standard intergalactic 'Teen-Alert', I mean Pilot EXP Stats. The long cylinder on the bottom are the two fuel tanks. I think we were taking off when DJ took this picture, notice the motion blur.

Me and Lisa ready to off into the wild blue yonder.


Judge fairly and honestly and I wont be mad. But I trust you guys enough. There you have it. The Iron Eagle! For legalatlities... I was influnced partaly (about 5 models ago...) on the Starship Trooper dropship, but it kinda worked it's way out of the idea. If it looks like anything I'm sorry it was sub-concious *punches subconcious into submission* Iron Eagle (the movie) is the tradmark of whoever made it. I named it Iron Eagle cause It's grey and I like Eagles... Um... email me at if you want to curse at me... uh..... I guess that's it.

My Brickshelf

My Lugnet Member page thingy

Background courtasy of Bram Lambrechet